LOVE and All its PAIN and GLORY

There are many kinds of LOVE. Let us discuss them one by one.

1. The FILIAL LOVE. Filial Love is the term we call for the love we feel for our family, our father and mother, brother and sister, cousins and other relatives. We love them as a member of our family whom we don’t want them to get hurt and we love them as we love being with them because we came from the same flesh and blood. Filial love is expressed as a love to a family and can also be combined with friendship and camaraderie.

Even we sometimes have quarrels with our family members; there is still the invisible bond that exists between us. As it is known that blood is thicker than water, we always favor those people in our blood relation compared to other strangers who has become our friends.

Sometimes there are family quarrels about properties that even lead to killing or murder. Even in the bible, this has happened in Abraham’s sons, where Cain killed Abel out of envy. Maybe Cain has loved his brother Abel but because of the evil in his heart that overpowers his love, he has killed his brother.

The devil has ways of making people think of evil deeds even to our very own family. This can be avoided if we continuously seek God in our hearts where love and forgiveness reigns. Love and forgiveness is the only cure to the hatred that we hold in our hearts. They say that it is difficult to forgive when your family whom you trust is concerned. This is very true. But if we think more of the good deeds that our family has done for us instead of the bad, it will be easy to forgive. Seeking God who has forgiven us in all our sins even we don’t ask for forgiveness is the key.

2. The AGAPE LOVE. Agape Love is what we call the Love of God for all His creation. Agape means infinite and unlimited. Truly, God loves us infinitely and unlimitedly. God is so great that He gave us His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life.

Do you believe in God? I hope you do. It is because those who do not believe in God and do evil things are facing eternal suffering unknowingly.

I had a question when I was in high school about God’s judgment that was answered lately. I asked that how will God punish or judge those people whom Jesus had not been preached? Then the answer came to me. God judges us for every deed we do. When we do bad things and do good things too, we will be judged according to our hearts. Is your heart good? Or is it evil? I hope your heart is good because the punishment is hell.

Some people say that there is no hell, well there is. It is actually the flaming core of the earth where all the evil doers will be sent on the judgment day. How can the evil doers feel the fire when they are in spirit? No. Actually, on the judgment day, we will all become human again and have flesh again. Then the evil doers will suffer the pain of the fire on their body through all eternal time. Whoa! A burn is very painful, what more of your whole body burning in never-ending fire? I hope anyone who is evil reading this will have a change of heart and become good now.

The good people on the other hand will be brought to the new earth which was rebuilt by the Good God in no time. Time does not exist now so there will be no dark or stormy days. The good chosen people will inherit God’s kingdom which is the new earth full of happiness and glory and love. There will be no more war or poverty or sin. The world is in perfect order run by God himself and assisted by His angels.

I know I will live in heaven which is the new earth someday. This is because God has chosen me and I have followed God’s command which is to be good and to love. Love God by loving others is God’s command. It is actually happily done.

3. The ROMANTIC LOVE. Hey, here we go! The romantic love is the most sweet and cherished of all kinds of Love. This is the love that develops between a man and a woman that makes their hearts beat like crazy. Romantic love begins at puberty where kids are developing their bodies and experiencing hormonal changes. They will start to have crushes and then infatuation and finally fall in love for the first time. Most of the time, our first love always make us cry. Happiness and fast beating of the heart and frustration and crying always come together when we fall in love. This is the formula that makes us go crazy and makes us even stronger persons. Love is designed like that. To make us mature and responsible individuals.

Romantic love is very sweet. It makes us think of our special someone often at night before we go to sleep. Sometimes we cry ourselves to sleep because of the pain we experience brought to us by the one we love. But when we feel happy and excited we also forget to sleep. How funny and romantic at the same time.

Many times we will fall in and out of love until we finally meet the one who is destined for us. Do you believe in destiny? I do. Because I have found my destiny. Through all the pain I had before and through all the men that I have loved, my destiny has finally comes. I know you have your destiny too. Just wait and you will thank yourself you have waited. You will know it when the right man arrives.
Falling in love makes us real human in the sense of being human. Do animals also fall in love? I guess so. But the love of man surpasses them all. We are most fortunate to live and be able to love because without love we are nothing.

Love is the sole reason of romantic relationships. If you are in love you are most happy in this world. It seems that the world stops when you and your lover are together. You are very happy and inspired together. You make each other a better person. You help each other to achieve your dreams and goals in life. May God bless your romantic relationships.

4. The PLATONIC LOVE. The Platonic Love is the love you feel for your friends. The word platonic is derived from Plato, the philosopher who says that true love starts from friendship. He said that a strong romantic relationship starts from being good friends of a man and a woman until it grows into something deeper where they want to see more and more of each other. Most cases are not like this however. Most of the times, kids who grew together develops filial love instead of romantic love. This happens because the girl may seem to like a sister to the boy and vice versa. However there are cases that follow the platonic love principle. Good friends become closer and find themselves in love with each other romantically.

Platonic love that develops into a romantic love is strong. They have the basis of friendship that makes the relationship even stronger. As good friends are known to stand by each other no matter what, lovers who have their relationship based on friendship will stand by each other for much longer times compared to those who are not friends who became lovers.

All romantic lovers should be friends. They should be friends because as friends they will understand each other more and will be always available for a friendly talk.

Love and all its pain and glory always come down to one end. This is to love to live and to live to love. Because love is all that matters.