Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Become an Affiliate for Income Web Online

Income Web is a starting affiliate site on the internet. You can earn extra cash by promoting their site and their products on your blog or website. The more products you have, the more possibilities of receiving percentage. Isn't it great to earn money just by posting their site and their products. You must remember one thing however. Traffic is the key to attract more clicks.

So what are you waiting for? Click this banner link and start making money. The more affiliates you have, the more money. Diligence is the key.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Computer and Internet Age - Get the best or get some worse outcomes?

Long before electronic devices and gadgets were invented, it has been predicted by great scientists like Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Rene Descartes that these will flood the coming centuries and such will dominate the economic systems. 

The centuries have come. 

The computer and internet age has come. We are the most lucky to experience, enjoy and utilize its purposes. 

At first sight, computers bring awe to the eyes and delight to the heart. Owning one in the Philippine society means you are above the poverty line. It automatically qualifies you to the middle or elite class. Hence, owning computers and similar electronic gadgets goes along with your personal reputation. More so if you are able to afford monthly fees for internet access. It is one defining idea for common Filipinos that you are "may kaya" or can afford. It means more opportunities, more friends, more creditors, more money, more and more. Well I am one of the fortunate to own one. 

My youngest brother Eliazar always makes my mother shriek and threat him with foul words only to stop him from playing computer games. Online or offline, computer games are literally addicting. My brother is only one of the millions living proof that computer gaming is unstoppable once you get hooked to it. 

Of course, computers are most beneficial in our society today. Government offices cannot function without them. Some train systems are computerized now. Traffic lights run by computer. Communication devises and gadgets are all computerized. Computer gaming business establishments are in boom. The digital computer age has changed the way we process our papers, bank accounts, property settlements, communication, even our personal relationships with family and love ones are directly affected. We are most lucky. 

In each coin, there are two faces. Well, sad to say, it's alarming how computer problems are affecting its users too. More so with internet problems. Pornography comes in handy. Libel too. Copyright infringement. Students are more than happy to make assignments and projects with so much ease. We are getting lazy. Kids play computer games more than they play outdoors with kids their age. It's a total change in the way the children are growing up. In a number of clicks you are always done working research and you can spend more time playing Special Force, Flyff, RF, Caizer Ran, Left Four Dead, Plants Versus Zombie, Flat Out, Monster Truck and NBA. Me, I'm playing Pet Society in Facebook and MoshiMonster. Haha! What a fun bathing my baby bear! What a joy having caught a lovely moshling!  What costs me now is the electric bill. The bill eventually rise up when I own a computer. And when I say rise up, it's a triple. Geez. Thanks to my father's pension.

Computers are still computers - made by man. Since it is man-made, only man can define, distinguish, alter, prioritize, maximize and value its uses. What are computers for? 

As time goes on, more developed, smaller and user-friendly computers have become. Before it was a size of a building with a few functions. Then a desktop. Then a laptop. Here comes the notebook. Come to me wallet sized. Hey, I better get one wallet sized when these are available in the market. I better start earning and saving. For the smaller and better the computers become, the more they become costly. 

Anyways, as everything has a purpose and meaning it's best we know that everything becomes meaningless when we don't use these things the right way. 

I always smile when at the end of my day, I see that my computer will be sleeping while I sleep. I hope I rest as well as it does. Did it ever get tired? Maybe. It is just too lonely it cannot complain.

Mental Health Vis-A-Vis Physical Health

My favorite brother Eric is healthy. Mindwise and bodywise. Thoughtwise and heartwise. I often see myself in him. So hopeful, so vibrant, so believing, full of inquiry, full of answers. He always make me cry in pure joy. I love him dearly. 

Nobody will believe that once, just like me, he was treated for a mental illness. Maybe his questions overpowered him. Sometimes too much questions can hurt. Sometimes it can even kill. Sometimes some questions are better left unanswered. 

For a heart so young and so full of life, his thoughts are of a full grown man. He totally believes in karma. Good deeds begets good and bad deeds begets bad. He believes God sees all and that He gives us according to what we deserve. He is a totally healthy spiritual individual. 

Just like my eldest brother Joseph. He is a soldier of God. And a true soldier - he serves the Armed Forces of the Philippines - Air Force, he is a paratrooper. He is recently in a state of faithful and courageous undertaking because he is currently being processed to be assigned in Mindanao where there are numerous illegal and inhumane activity like unmerciful killing, bombing, rape, political war and illegal drugs. I can only pray for his safety. 

Going back to Eric, he is now third year college taking up Civil Engineering. He's been always in shape and can easily change his body stats when he wanted. It seems he has taken control of his body that if he tell it to slow digestion it will joyfully follow. Nice huh. I wish I can do that without having to control my appetite and count my calorie intake. 

My waistline for 3 years now has been going into 28 to 29 when in diet and 30 inches when out of eating control. I hate it when my boyfriend is telling me I'm getting fat. So I strive hard to control my appetite. Anyways, when my mind is busy I shed fat faster. So I see to it that my mind is always active by studying, reading, finishing paper works and writing articles. When I have time I see to it that I go night swimming. I love it when my boyfriend is hugging my waist and telling me I'm sexy. 

Swimming is a good exercise as well as modern dancing. The rhythm it brings to the muscles are invigorating, repeatedly good and shaping. It's best to swim at night when the water is warm and while floating you can speak your mind to the diamonds in the sky. It's best when you swim with love ones. It's refreshing and bonding moments are sweet. It's also best to modern dance at night. You'll sweat off your worries and fears and enjoy yourself. I extremely love dancing with my cousins, sisters and boyfriend. Be sure you rest before sleeping. And take at least two glasses of water. 

Vitamins are also good to maintain your mental and physical health. But avoid over taking. Just a moderate once a day of a good complete or almost complete vitamin and mineral capsule will do. The liver may work hard if you are taking too many vitamin capsules. 

Mentally healthy is when you have developed a sense of balance, responsibility, reason and positive thoughts. Physically healthy is when you can live your life free of recurring or severe body pains and able to perform normal body functions. 

Choose to live mentally and physically healthy. These are the prior requirements before achieving spiritual health. My brothers Joseph and Eric have achieved spiritual health. And I am on my way to it. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Everything is Meaningless, yet, Everything Matters

Have you ever felt so worthless? Have you ever considered killing yourself to free yourself from pain or hopelessness? When you believed that everything in your life has become meaningless, what do you feel? What do you say? Where do you go? Who do you call?

In times of crisis, your family are the ones who are reaching out to catch you, support and believe in you. But, when your family gave up on you to whom do you call?

What are the things that matter to you? Do you care about the war in Pakistan? Do you care about the poor beggars during Sundays? Do you even care about your stupid neighbor?

Everything is meaningless yet everything matters.

Do you agree?

It's all a matter of belief and disbelief. A matter of life. A matter of death.

Do you believe in a Supreme Being? Do you even believe in LOVE?

Why do we love, anyway? Is that feeling only for humans? Or animals feel the same way we feel? Do plants have a heart?

Do you believe we are spiritual and NOT material? Why do we crave for material things and treat our mother ill? Are you sick of your boyfriend? Why do you fool your girl?

What do we get from hurting others? Why do we envy? Why are humans never contented?

The sunset HORIZON is waiting for your answers. Will you be there for a date? Will you be there and watch? Will you be there and pray?

If there's a Supreme Being, what is your relationship with him?

The SUN is bright. The UNIVERSE is expanding. Flowers are growing. YOU are changing? Aren't you?

There are millions and millions of questions longing for answers. Will you ask them? Or will you answer them? Will you do both? Or will you just play life like a water lily silently growing without a care where the water brings him?

This is Zephyrity. Your Christmas morning gentle breeze. I dare ask questions. I dare answer them. Now is my time to share my questions and answers to you. Everything under the sun. And when I say everything, it's everything. Will you be there to share? Will you be there to listen? Or will you be there to argue? I need you. You are one of my questions. You are one of the answers.

I am an answer to somebody's question. Are you? I am a question to somebody's mind. Are you? Will you stay or will you go? How do you know when to say NO?

Just like what brought the biologists into studying and experimenting plants, my zephyr being brought me into classifying, organizing, reasoning and excavating minds and souls into trance-like answering to questions and sometimes being silent to finally accept that some answers are not meant to be found.

It's me, zephyrity. Signing ON for your perusal. Stay with me.