I made this poem when I was staying at my aunt’s home in the barrio Bacolod where my roots are. I made this poem when I was really down and tired while I am teaching at a barrio high school where my students break my heart because of their tough heads I cannot easily bend according to what is right. I asked God’s guidance and make Him do the rest for me.
My Prayer of Supplication
Bring my head to ache
Bring my voice to growl
Bring my heart to bleed
It is your will, Oh Lord

Bring my smiles to frown
And my laughter to tears
Torn me into pieces as you will
I will not regret

Your love is like the feeling of pure joy
After mournful tears
It is like a bath in raining sunny day
Like the wind on my face

Like the laughter of the child at heart
Like the pain on a student’s face
Like the good teacher’s lesson plan
Like the lesson bothering minds

My Lord, to You I offer all
For all was from You
And all to glorify You
Let Your name be praised

Remember my name when I am gone
Remember me
I want to be with Your presence
I want to be with You

Bring my eyes to darkness
But let me see light
Bring my heart to sorrow
But let it rejoice in You

Your love endures forever
I shall not want – You give everything
You give a man what he is due
His heart good, You hear his prayers

I am so blessed You know me
So blessed You let me know You…


I made this poem when I was really elated with my life. I am happy and thankful for all the blessings He has given me.

Praises to My God and My Lord

My God, what will I do without you?
You give me strength in my weakest hours
You give me joy in my most painful moments
You let me experience everything I need to learn

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…

Thank you for choosing me…
I am a sinner yet you humble me…
I am proud yet you criticize me…
I know so much but not that much…

Teach me to learn
Hurt me, make me bleed…
Purify my heart and soul…

You own me from head to foot
You gave me everything I need
Even things I thought I don’t need
You fully gave to me…
For me to learn…

May your will be done through all of my life
Until my life after death, may your will be done


I made this poem when I was in college and attending a conference for writers at Manila Times. It was entitled Grand Boulevard Hotel where we stayed. I made this while waiting on our first day there where I have noticed many people who are bragging about many things and showing off to everybody.

Grand Boulevard Hotel

Sometimes I wonder what makes a mouth a blabber
One spicy word
One vociferous laughter
Just for the sake of a nuisance of popularity
A twiggle of the toe
A bitchy smile
An extraordinary spurt of language
I know I should be humble
Because an empty can is the noisy one
A river that flows deep runs silently
And healing to the soul
Better keep quiet than blabber nonsense words
I know I should be true
I know I should be humble
This will be the start
Of a bright new day
Learn new lessons
After a deep reflection
You shouldn’t be boastful
You shouldn’t be braggart
Time will come you will fall
And no one will help you up


I made this poem especially for my beloved parents who have sacrificed a lot to give us their children good lives and good education. Ma, Pa, you are the best parents in the world.

For Papa and Mama

With the light of the Lord you bring us forth
You made us grow as we should
As gentle as the morning unfolds
As mysterious as the night entails

You are our guide when we are learning to walk
You never sleep until we are all fine and tucked safely in our beds
You caress us and ease our pain
You love us even we sin

Oh, mother, oh father, you are the touch of God we feel
You are the golden sun that brightens the stormy nights
The food that ease our hunger
The embrace that calms each thunder

We, your children are forever indebted to you
We can never repay your love
Neither your tears
Or your sweat that has made us live

Papa and mama, you are the greatest wonder to us
Especially when we were young and careless of the world
You mold us into God-fearing children
Made us love our neighbor as our friends

Mom, thank you for the patience
Thank you for the industry
Where you never sleep until your work has been done
And you ease our troubles and pains

Pa, thank you for your work
With much toil, you feed and clothe us
With love, care and understanding
You are the greatest soldier in the world

Love your parents and let them know
Because it will give them much joy
When they know their kids appreciate their goodness
And they labor was not in vain

Be a good son or daughter
This is the way you should be
To glorify God your master
Giver of parents with glee


This is a poem I dedicate to my special love one, who has completed me and loved me like no one ever had.

My Only Man, my Lover, my Friend

You are everything to me
You are the bringer of smiles to my eyes
The maker of fast beats of my heart
The sunshine that makes me wake up each day

You are the only man I loved this way
You know how
You are the joy that makes me happy
Even when the day is not gay

You are my only man, my lover, my friend
Whom I want to spend my whole life with
Whom I want to sleep with and hug all night
And caress all through the day

From your my babies will come
With much love we will be great parents to them
We will be happy for all of our lives
And God is the center of us

My lover, my man, my friend
With you I can share all the things on my mind
We trust and love each other more than anyone
And we believe we can surpass anything as long as we are together

I love you
Thank you for your great love
I will love you for all eternity
And I am confident that you love me