Love Conquers All

Love conquers all. Even our deepest pain or our unforgettable regrets. Love gives us the chance to be happy again, to live again. Even we have chosen to give up, love has been always there making us believe in better things, in beautiful things.

Love is kind, love is true. It does not judge people or keep mistakes. Love is faithful and love is the sole thing that can really make us complete.

In all my relationships, I always have quarrels and misunderstandings. I am always hurt and I always want to keep believing that I can be a better person even I always hurt the people dear to me because I am a very opinionated person who says what is on my mind even it can hurt. I believe we all share the same sentiment for not all the times will we listen to what other people say. But in my case, I found myself always listening to myself only. I have lots of beliefs I stand for even it makes me mad to many people or even it makes me ill-tempered. Well, a habit is always difficult to break. Especially when I have built my character through my strong and opinionated personality.

I am just glad that someone came my way who loved me for who I am and even admire me for it. To be strong is not easy and to fight is more difficult. I just thank God that He loves me so much that He gave me someone to balance my always changing mood. And he is exactly who I need. Whom I also loved with all of my heart and soul.

In this life where there are old sayings that in the beginning of creation, there are two people made for each other who will find each other in due time, I am very happy that I have waited. I even thanked myself that I finally recognized that the one I have been looking for had been consistently pushing himself to me while I push him away. I always thank him for not giving up. For if he did, I would have been a fool letting go of what's perfect.

While it's true that nobody is perfect, it is truer that someone becomes perfect when we love them. For him I am perfect despite my mood swings or my bad temper and disrespect problems. Until now I am wondering how he loved me so well in spite all my negative values. It is wonderful how he sees me. Then I finally saw him. Glad that through the years, I managed to see him through the eyes too. Even with less effort. He is my destiny.    

Love is the only thing that makes me keep going. I have nothing more to fight for, I have nothing more to prove. All my dreams came true when he found me. All my dreams of happy and ideal world in which only the two of us exists.

I love him. Dearly.