The Philippines is a great nation. It has a colorful and emotional history that makes its people today. It has hundreds of brave heroes who fought for the freedom we are enjoying now. Its soil was drenched with blood of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in order for us, the next generation to claim our own land and to flourish in peace.

Today, are we in peace? Do we flourish? Do we have claims to our lands? Until now, the Filipino people is not free.

Yes we may be free from alien government but our very own government drenched our blood by corrupting the money which was supposed to be laid for development. We may be free from commands of foreigners who made our land rich before but now our very own Filipino leaders enslave the poorest of the poor. How pitying.

Many say that the new government of Benigno Aquino III gives hope to the millions of Filipino people who have been suffering for too long. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino is the son of Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino who was hit on the airport to be silenced from angering the Filipino to fight against the corrupt Ferdinand Marcos administration. His death angered the people though. Marcos was ousted from power and Madam Corazon Aquino, the wife of Benigno, was elected as president.

Cory Aquino was loved by the people because she was kind and a good leader. She might not alleviate the situation of the people because during her reign all money of the government has been deposited to the ill-gotten wealth of the Marcos Family to the Swiss bank accounts. She brought hope to the people who loved her so much because of her Godly and rightly rule.

Today that her son Noynoy is at the highest seat of our government, the Filipino people can only hope for better days.

The present administration should punish the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo administration which brings shame to her late father’s name. Her father Diosdado Macapagal was also one president who did not bring much change to our country too but not as corrupt as her. She is so much corrupt just like the Marcos family.

In the reign of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, she has produced the most number of extra judicial killings, robberies, murders and more of millions of hungry poor Filipinos. She claims that she has built many bridges and many buildings in which I bet she has amassed millions of pesos from. Her dirty administration even managed to spend a million peso in a single night eating in a prestigious restaurant in New York while more than 50 million Filipinos barely have 200 pesos a day. She did not even think of spending that one million peso to make her people get good roofs over their head. She claims she built housing yet she made the poor people pay these houses where they can barely move. She is really evil.

If the law of men will not punish her in her life time, I am confident that she and all her allies will be severely punished in hell.

To top her evilness, she is an ally to the same evil Ampatuan Family in Mindanao who murdered about 50 innocent people before the 2010 elections. The Ampatuan boses are even treated good in the jail while they are freely threating of killing the police. The armory that has killed the innocent people are even from the government. May the Good Lord punish these evil people in the right time.
The Lord is not sleeping. He knows our every deed. He knows every little evil secret we have in our head. Every deed is accountable.

May the present Aquino government brings justice to the fallen innocent people and may those who needs to be punished get punished.