Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil

Many people hurt others to get their money and properties. Sometimes they do this out of need, sometimes out of greed. The love of money is the root of all evil. What do we mean by love of money?

First I want to ask if we are really capable of loving money. Do you love money? Can we really love money? I guess the people who love money are the people who have been benefiting from it and never ever wanting to have lesser money on their vaults and wallets. Those people who love money are the greedy people who love to have more of money than a good name or a good relationship with the people around him. He must be afraid of losing a little money to be spend on things not his or he must be wanting more money because it gives him power and security.

Those people who have been hurt then commits more evil. They might kill, steal and lie to have things they need as they have nothing more to live by because those people who deprived them have gotten everything. And the cycle continues. More greedy people destroying lives of poor people and poor people making evil deeds to survive.

Money can never buy everything. It can never buy love. It can never buy the intangible things which really matters compared to the tangible ones. Intangible things like respect, faith, hope and love can never be purchased even with millions and millions of dollars. These things are earned by good relationships and camaraderie and personal commitment.

When the people who love money too much make deeds that can hurt or destroy lives of people less fortunate than them, this is the start of their doom. Their evil deeds are never hidden from Someone above who sees everything. The money they have loved and have caused the demise of others will be the money that will destroy them in time. Every evil deed will be judged.

Money, however is not evil. It can even be a root of good deeds. Helping those in need with money can be a simple example. Helping the less fortunate to have work or business is a better one. As money can buy things that are necessary for human survival, it can benefit more people when shared and spent on good purpose. 


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